Fist version of Deliverable 7.2.2 (ENhANCE website and social media sites) has been delivered

This deliverable (D7.2.2) is a public document of the ENhANCE Project, produced in the context of WP7 (Dissemination, exploitation and sustainability), Task 7.2 (Project website and social media sites). The main purposes of WP7 are:

  • to raise awareness about the project’s rationale and results among the relevant stakeholders,
  • to coordinate and carry out several targeted dissemination and outreach activities at EU and national level in order to ensure buy-in,
  • to promote the use of the outcomes of the project by the partners of the Alliance and other stakeholders (including its assessment),
  • to define appropriate activities and plan to guarantee the sustainability of the results and benefits achieved by the Alliance.

Within Task 7.2, a dedicated website for dissemination and communication purposes has been produced at the beginning of the project and will be updated throughout the project, including updated information about the project, news, events, and materials. The website is available online and can be accessed at

D7.2.2 is a formal update on the implementation status of the project website and social media sites (first version) at project Month 7 (July 2018). In particular, it provides an overview of the project activities corresponding to Task 7.2 and the next steps. D7.2.2 is fed by D7.2.1, with title “Requirement Analysis”, which was the output of the project website and social media sites requirement analysis phase at project Month 2 (February 2018). For that reason, the content and the facilities currently implemented and included in the website are based on the requirement analysis carried out.

Authors: Flavio Manganello (CNR-ITD), Kostas Vassilakis (TEI of Crete), Olivier Jacqmain (EUROCARERS), Mariana Vicente (EUROCARERS)