Updated version of the Exploitation and Sustainability Plan has been delivered

This deliverable concerns the second updated Exploitation and Sustainability Plan, D7.3.2, of Month 12, and describes the main exploitation activities and plans in the first year of ENhANCE. The updated Exploitation and Sustainability Plan starts with an introduction in Chapter 2 that recalls the main purpose of the ENhANCE exploitation objectives and the expected results to be achieved in the short and long term. In Chapter 3 a summary of the overall exploitation strategy for year 2 is briefly explained, followed by an overview of the main exploitable results, a brief stakeholder analysis and a short summary of the main exploitation tools and channels. Chapter 4 summarizes the main exploitation activities in the first year, followed by individual exploitation activities of the appropriate partners. Chapter 5 provides the description of the monitoring methodology for exploitation and presents the indicators and objectives for exploitation for year 2. Chapter 6 introduces an approximate time plan for exploitation activities in year 2, linked to the expected exploitable results and Chapter 7 summarizes the document and provides some main conclusions in view of the second year.

Authors: Nadia Kamel (Eurocarers); Olivier Jacqmain (Eurocarers)

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