Newsletter #4 – Summer 2021

Welcome to the fourth and last ENhANCE newsletter

Dear reader,

It is time for goodbye, but not fare thee well!

After 3,5 years of intense activity, the ENhANCE project whose main aim was to define and deliver a European Curriculum for Family and Community Nurse, is now nearing its official end.



Its aim of the project was to target a specific existing mismatch between the skills currently offered by nurses working in Primary Health Care (PHC) and those actually demanded by both public health care institutions and private service providers when applying innovative healthcare models centred on PHC.

On 6th and 20th May the Final ENhANCE Conference, was held online and attracted close to 300 participants, demonstrating the great interest and need to further develop community-based care services and homecare services across Europe, but also the need not only to work for a better recognition of the Family and Community Nurse as a key public health professional, but also to invest in nurse leadership to be able to bring about real change; and demonstrating impacts achieved in terms of improving outcomes and wellbeing!

In case you missed the Final Conference, or could not attend, the online event recordings and summary of the events from the final ENhANCE Conferences have been made available – please see project updates further below.


Moreover, all final versions of the project results, have been made freely and openly available, such as the:
28 competencies of the Family and Community Nurse
European Curriculum for Family and Community Nurse (FCN)
Guidelines supporting the design of local curricula
Localized curricula
Guidelines for teachers in FCN training
Open Contents for FCN training
Open online tool
Pilot FCN courses


Project updates

In the longer term, the ultimate aim is to ensure sustainability for the ENhANCE project results, which at its most central is about achieving a broad and widespread recognition at the European level of Family Community Nurses (FCNs).

This recognition can be facilitated by ensuring a greater adoption and formal recognition of the professional profile at national or regional level, but also by continuing the work commenced with ENhANCE at the European level – namely to ensure a harmonised definition of the FCN Professional Profile relevance of the competencies and the associated European curriculum for FCN.

However, with a view to the variability in the organisation, structure, and governance of primary care and community-based care services across Europe, we would like to share with you a summary of key recommendations aimed at and policy and decision-makers.

The recommendations herein have been kept broad to ensure their relevance and applicability across the different cultural, health and social care contexts and have been made available in a short summary and infographic format available for download here.


Webinar Report | Final ENhANCE Conference, 20th May 2021

Hosted by Eurocarers, Part II of the ENhANCE Final Conference, was held on Thursday 20th May 2021,  in the format of a Zoom webinar, and counted some 124 participants. The …

Watch again the ENhANCE final conference of 6 May

On Thursday 6th May 2021, the ENhANCE Alliance held the first part of its final conference to promote and showcase its main project outcomes and discuss the next steps. With …

Final release of ENhANCE European FCN Curriculum and user-friendly web-based guidelines for implementation

A major project milestone, at the end of the ENhANCE project in Month 41,  has been the release at the end of the piloting phase and evaluation, of the final …

ENhANCE project results publicised on CEDEFOP’s EU Skills Panorama

CEDEFOP, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, and agency of the European Union has  included the public results of the ENhANCE project in their Skills Intelligence pages …

Thematic Network on Profiling and Training the healthcare workforce of the future

In the scope of the European Health Policy Platform Thematic Network on ‘Profiling and Training the Healthcare Workforce of the Future‘, the proposed Joint Statement for endorsement by stakeholders and …

Family and Community Nurse’s role in Torriglia (hinterland of Genoa) in an Italian television service!

On December 30, 2020 the Family and Community Nurses that are already working in the hinterland of Genoa were interviewed by Italian television to show their role on the territory. …


EC Green Paper on Ageing launches debate on the future of Europe’s ageing society

The European Commission presented on 27 January 2021 a green paper to launch a  broad policy debate  on the challenges and opportunities of Europe’s ageing society. It sets out the …

Relevant policy update from Europe


We would like to thank all the organisations involved in the project :     






This Newsletter is part of the ENhANCE project (European Curriculum for Family and Community Nurse), which has received funding from the European Union, under the ERASMUS+ programme. You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the ENhANCE project mailing list.
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